Our Service Offerings
Responding to the Now

Our retreats are fluid in nature, responding to the Now.
There is spontaneous use of a multitude of available offerings, all aimed at achieving shifts of consciousness. They help you get in touch with your unique life’s meaning and purpose and empower you to manifest what you most passionately desire.
The passion that comes from your desire is what fuels the realization of your visions and divine inspirations.
The retreat facilitators bring together a variety of perspectives and healing techniques.
For each retreat, depending on the individuals present, offerings are selected and provided that are most conducive to the participants’ emotional healing and spiritual growth.
We address all levels of being: psychological, mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, and cultural.
General retreat offerings:
- Being aware of beliefs and blocks, that one may rise above them
- Sacred sound attunements via the voice and instruments
- Bringing forth your authentic Soul Voice
- Living life as Ceremony
- Contemplation and experience of essence in the stillness of nature
- Experience the vibrational embodyment of the high frequencies of Mt Shasta
- Being aware of how this new experience may be woven into your life when you return home
Open to your Wholeness. It already Is.
Open to change brought by the Changeless One…
Open to Divine Life, living as your "life".
Specific retreat offerings per facilitator:
Angelique's offerings:

- Obstacle Releasing Processes
- Guided Inner Exploration
- Hands on Transmutational Touch
- Sound Vibrational Attunement
- Inspirational Imagery and Visualization
- Explorations in Nature
- Musical Movement
- Creative Art Expression
- Meditation
- Personalized recordings with guidance and visualizations
- Attend to overlapping health issues of ailing animals and their guardians
Mary's offerings:
- Soul Sessions for individuals. They differ for each person.
- Life as living ceremony
- Breath of Light Meditation (4 shifts of Consciousness)
- Experience the animating presence, your spiritual identity
- Initiation into Unity languaging
- Sounds and Signings of the Soul
- Temple Dance (sacred sound glyphs, gestures, movement and sound)
- Inspirational films such as The Monitor
- Readings from Mary's books and parabels… illumined passages and group discussions
- Rising above the realm of human beliefs and resting in the presence of light… to know the Mystical As the Practical
- Sitting in Stillness, Realizing True Identity
- Touching the Field of Light
Edward's offerings:

- Sound Ceremony as Celestial Initiation
- Primal Songs, Soul Sounding, Light Language
- Sound Vibrational Attunement
- Transmutational Touch
- Life as Ceremony
- Consciousness Explorations
- Explorations in Nature
Individual sessions outside retreat setting
Angelique (📧) and Mary (📧) are available for individual sessions, in person or by phone.
Edward (📧) is available for in person sound healing sessions in Mount Shasta.